
The #iwill project was a project focussing on hearing from young people about issues that are important to them.

It was an approach that we touched on in a number of creative projects over the year.

This post highlights the three main creative projects undertaken by the core groups of young people who worked with Starting Point Studio.

School Days animation

One of our groups wanted to explore the topic of mental health, and especially in the school environment.

They decided they wanted to create an animation highlighting how school is full of lots of different people – all with their own story.

Some animation experiments

“It has been good to be able to share my opinions on school”

Getting young people’s thoughts on mental health

It’s your choice video

Our other AP project revolved around the themes of peer pressure, youth violence, social media and how to make good choices.

After talking around the issue and watching various other videos, mood boards were created.

We then decided to create a video showing a young guys journey through areas that might influence his thinking, ending up with a wall of noise and confusion.

Getting young people’s thoughts on what can influence their choices

“Alternate Provision at Starting Point Studio allows me to be myself!”

Summer POV Project

POV project

The POV [Points of View] project was a special creative summer project we held for young people who might be vulnerable to suffering from mental health or loneliness over the school holidays.

They created their own branding for the group – choosing to call the project POV, standing for Points of View – and designed various logo ideas before settling on this one.

We discussed themes that were important to them and they chose racism as the one they wanted to focus on. They decided to make some posters to highlight how we should all come together as one – not discriminating others based on their cultural heritage or background – and that we should all feel welcome in Reading, no matter the colour of our skin.

Logo Designs
Logo Designs
Out taking photos
Out taking photos
Posters on display

For more information about the #iwill movement visit iwill.org.uk